Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Proposal for Implementation of MySpace.

Below is the proposal for implementation of MySpace in the Shatford Library that I wrote for an Infopeople online course.

Proposal to implement MySpace as a social networking tool to draw attention to library services and events.

What is MySpace?

MySpace is a social networking website where the focus is on each individual user’s profile. Each user has a profile and develops it as an online representation of their identity. They can include pictures, their interests, and other facts about themselves. MySpace allows for a lot more self-expression than Facebook (another social networking site) because in MySpace members can actually alter the style sheets on their site, tailoring the look to their own personality. Members can then start adding friends who are listed on their profile with links to the friends' profiles. Friends can only be added if they add you as well, so people can't just go around adding anyone to their profile regardless of whether they're really a friend. Once they've added all their friends, they are basically publicly displaying their social network online. From there they can see who their friends of friends (and friends of friends of friends) are, in order to make new connections. Each profile has a message board where friends can write messages and ask questions. Most of these sites also have collaborative spaces – groups, discussion boards, etc. – but the site is really centered on the individual's identity development as opposed to collaboration. Perhaps this is what has made it so appealing for young people, who often visit these sites 10 or more times per day to see what their friends have written on their message board and who has changed their profile that day. (This description has been taken nearly word for word from Meredith Farkas’ Infopeople online course.)

What can MySpace do for our patrons and library?

A Shatford Library MySpace page would create an online presence where students and patrons can interact with library staff and faculty, as well as their peers. Many students already have MySpace pages and access the site regularly. If they were to add the library as a friend, the library would then be able to inform them of special events, workshops, or programs by posting to their bulletin board. Students would also have a familiar outlet to discuss problems or concerns they might have about the library. A well maintained Shatford Library MySpace page might rejuvenate the library’s image and have students reconsider preconceived notions of libraries.

Evidence that MySpace can make a difference.

Here are two examples of library MySpace pages that are successful in providing information and drawing patrons into the library community.
Brooklyn College Library: http://www.myspace.com/brooklyncollegelibrary
Denver Public Library: http://www.myspace.com/denver_evolver

Policy Issues.
The Shatford Library MySpace page will be monitored by a librarian in order to remove inappropriate content such as foul language and discriminatory comments.


Dan Haley said...

I like that idea. The students like to socialize in the Library and we should try to use that aspect to enhance our service.

JoAnnO said...

I think this idea would work in our library. It would be a great informational tool.

dfpotter07 said...

Great idea and you are the one who can pull this off!

Judy Ohye said...

This is a very exciting proposal and I hope that we will be able to move forward on it.

Deb said...

I like it. This is a good way for the library to keep it's image fresh with new ideas and information.

Librarian Peter said...

Cool idea! I like the feature that allows patrons to interact with library staff from MySpace, this makes it very convenient.

Rebecca said...

This is really well thought out. Well done!

Christina said...

Very nicely laid out proposal -- you're off to an auspicious start.

Unknown said...

Your proposal is something that your library patrons will love. Our library is working on a similar MySpace page, and should be in operation this semester.